مرور مقالات علمی - پژوهشی براساس عنوان
نمایش اشیاء دیجیتالی 1 - 20 از 575
Abject to object: Colonialism preserved through the imagery of Muharram.
چکیده: Part of a special issue on Islamic art. An anonymous British colonial image of a procession (or julus) that forms part of the northern Indian Muharram observances represents a vital part of a larger part of Muharram ...موضوعات : Religious processions , Islam -- Rituals , Rites & ceremonies -- India , Shiites -- India , Essays , Ashura , Rites & ceremonies , Processions , Islamic art & symbolism , Painting , -
Abject to object: Colonialism preserved through the imagery of Muharram.
چکیده: Part of a special issue on Islamic art. An anonymous British colonial image of a procession (or julus) that forms part of the northern Indian Muharram observances represents a vital part of a larger part of Muharram ...موضوعات : Religious processions , Islam -- Rituals , Rites & ceremonies -- India , Shiites -- India , Essays , Ashura , Rites & ceremonies , Processions , Islamic art & symbolism , Painting , -
(About Hussein), form and meaning
چکیده: قُربَ توفي الشاعر محمد حسين كاشف الغطاء وُلِد الباحث، إذن قًرب كُتبت القصيدة ولد الباحث، لأنها (تنشر لأول (كذا) مرة)(1) بمعنى أنها كتبت في آخرةٍ من عمر الشاعر. فكانت القصيدة تنتظر النشر طويلاً حتى نشرت عام 2001 في ضمن ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
Abstracts in English for Articles in Arabic.
چکیده: Presents several abstracts of studies in social affairs in English for articles in Arabic. "Religiosity and Job Satisfaction Among Kuwaiti Social Workers," by Hadi Mukhtar Ali Reda; "Forms of Cultural Status Among Female ...موضوعات : Arabs , Job satisfaction , Religiousness , Social workers , -
Abstracts in English for Articles in Arabic.
چکیده: Presents several abstracts of studies in social affairs in English for articles in Arabic. "Religiosity and Job Satisfaction Among Kuwaiti Social Workers," by Hadi Mukhtar Ali Reda; "Forms of Cultural Status Among Female ...موضوعات : Arabs , Job satisfaction , Religiousness , Social workers , -
Adoring Hussain By the poet Abud J. Al –HILLY Art structural study))
چکیده: الخلاصَة : الحمْدُ للهِ أولاً وآخرًا ، والصلاة والسلامُ على أشرفِ الخلقِ والمرسلينَ ؛ أبي القاسِمِ محمَّدٍ ، وآلهِ الطيبينَ ، وصحبِهِ المنتجبينَ . وبعدُ ، فمما لا يخفى على المطلعِ على نصِّ هذه القصيدةِ حذق الشاعر في حسن ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
Al- Urjooza as performed by the Fight Martyrs of Al- Taff Battle ( 61 A.H / 680 A.D )
چکیده: يزخر التاريخ الاسلامي بأحداث جسيمة ومصارع كثيرة تحتار أمامها الألباب ، إلّا أن لواقعة الطف الأثر الأكبر والأشد فجيعة وأثراً في نفوس المؤمنين لقتل وانتهاك وسبي لحرمات أهل بيت النبوة وعترته الاطهار سنة (61ه/680م) ومصرعهم ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
“Al-Hussein and Kerbala” in the Book Uyun al-Akhbar by Ibn Qutayba(276 higra) : A Text Analysis Study
چکیده: يعد كتاب ( عيون الاخبار) لابن قتيبة الدينوري (ت 276 ه ) من الكتب التراثية المهمة التي عنيت بالطبائع والاخلاق والعلم والبيان والزهد والسلطان والحرب والاخوان والحوائج والطعام والنساء والسياسة وغيرها . والكتاب في اربع مجلدات ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
Al-Imam al-Husain (b.p.b.u.h&p) in the Egyptian Books: a General View and an Evaluation of the Methodology and the Style of Writing
چکیده: تشمل هذه الدراسة الإمام الحسين) ( في المصنفات المصرية نظرة عامة وتقويم في المنهجواسلوب الكتابة .لقد مثلت شخصية الإمام الحسين ) ( أهمية كبرى لدى الكتاب المصريّين ، فهي لم تكنمجرد ذكرى قابلة للنسيان ، أو أثرا من الآثار بل ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
Al-Sharīf al-Raḍī and the Poetics of 'Alid Legitimacy Elegy for al-Ḥusayn ibn 'Alī on 'Āshūrā', 391 A.H.
چکیده: Al-Sharif al-Radi's qasidah rhymed in ddl that opens: "These are the abodes at al-Ghamim, so call to them," (hddhi al-mandzilu bi-al-Ghamimi fa-nddiha) is generally described as an elegy to al-Husayn ibn 'All and dated ...موضوعات : al-Sharlf al-Radi , 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib , Qasidah , Elegy , Ashura , Hybridity , Legitimacy , Caliphate , Shi'ism , -
Al-Sharīf al-Raḍī and the Poetics of 'Alid Legitimacy Elegy for al-Ḥusayn ibn 'Alī on 'Āshūrā', 391 A.H.
چکیده: Al-Sharif al-Radi's qasidah rhymed in ddl that opens: "These are the abodes at al-Ghamim, so call to them," (hddhi al-mandzilu bi-al-Ghamimi fa-nddiha) is generally described as an elegy to al-Husayn ibn 'All and dated ...موضوعات : al-Sharlf al-Radi , 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib , Qasidah , Elegy , Ashura , Hybridity , Legitimacy , Caliphate , Shi'ism , -
چکیده: In this study, main terms of Alawism as worship, Karbala, prescriptions and tots has been examined. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]موضوعات : Cem , Ibadet , IRAQ , Karbala , KARBALA (Iraq) , Kerbela , NOSAIRIANS , RELIGION , Tot , WORSHIP , -
چکیده: In this study, main terms of Alawism as worship, Karbala, prescriptions and tots has been examined. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]موضوعات : Cem , Ibadet , IRAQ , Karbala , KARBALA (Iraq) , Kerbela , NOSAIRIANS , RELIGION , Tot , WORSHIP , -
An Analysis on the Political Stance of the Shiite Parties and the Voters, before the March 7 Election in Iraq.
چکیده: The Iraqi Parliament Elections scheduled for March 7, 2010 are of great significance both for the region and international powers. 400 parties will compete to share the 325 seats of the Iraqi Federal Assembly. A close ...موضوعات : COALITIONS , DICTATORSHIP , INDICTMENTS (Islamic law) , IRAQ , LEGISLATIVE bodies , POLITICAL parties -- Elections , SHIITES , VOTERS , -
An Analysis on the Political Stance of the Shiite Parties and the Voters, before the March 7 Election in Iraq.
چکیده: The Iraqi Parliament Elections scheduled for March 7, 2010 are of great significance both for the region and international powers. 400 parties will compete to share the 325 seats of the Iraqi Federal Assembly. A close ...موضوعات : COALITIONS , DICTATORSHIP , INDICTMENTS (Islamic law) , IRAQ , LEGISLATIVE bodies , POLITICAL parties -- Elections , SHIITES , VOTERS , -
An Anthropological Study on the Origin and Content of Tazieh
چکیده: Ta’zieh is an intertwined set of traditional Iranian music, Iranian classic poetry and Shabih-khani (speech-visual intertwined narration). The central theme (or subject) of Ta’zieh is representation of siege and massacre ...موضوعات : Tazieh , Athropological approach , Iran , Traditions , -
An Anthropological Study on the Origin and Content of Tazieh
چکیده: Ta’zieh is an intertwined set of traditional Iranian music, Iranian classic poetry and Shabih-khani (speech-visual intertwined narration). The central theme (or subject) of Ta’zieh is representation of siege and massacre ...موضوعات : Tazieh , Athropological approach , Iran , Traditions , -
The Approach of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in Believing Education
چکیده: يعد الإمام الحسين u الأنموذج الأمثل ، من شجرة أهل البيت (عليهم السلام ) في أصالة انتمائه وقوة إيمانه وصدق عقيدته وحسن إتباعه ، فقد سار على نهج جده المصطفىr ، في جهاده من أجل ترسيخ عقيدة الإيمان في الجزيرة العربية والعالم ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
Artistic construction of the poetry of Imam Husain (pbuh) Elegy in Iraq between (1100 H. to 1350 H)
چکیده: لم تتخذ مراثي الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) مسارا واحدا في رحلتها التي قطعتها على مرالعصور بل تنوعت وتعددت أنماطها بحسب تعدد الظروف واختلاف الأزمنةفمن نمط بنائي مقطعي في حقبة من العصر الأموي إلى بناء شعري مباشر في حقبةلاحقة ...موضوعات : الامام الحسين (ع) , -
‘Ashura in Bahrain Analyses of an Analytical Event
چکیده: ‘Ashura is an annual Shi‘i ritual commemorating the death of Imam Husayn at the Battle of Karbala in ad 680. In Bahrain, the ritual runs for two weeks and involves processions with more than 100,000 participants. Bahrain ...موضوعات : Ashura , FASTS & feasts -- Shi'ah , Festivals , Sunnites ,